Bawa Muhaiyaddeen: ‘’Ketika Rasulullah (Sal.) melanjutkan
Mi’raj, untuk berkomunikasi dengan ALLAH, tabir memisahkan Rasulullah (Sal.)
dari ALLAH. ALLAH berbicara kepadanya dari belakang tabir ini. Mereka membahas
doa dan ibadah, dan ALLAH mengatakan kepada Rasulullah (Sal.) untuk memberitahukan semua yang telah Dia sampaikan untuk para pengikutnya.
Ketika mereka telah selesai berbicara tentang doa dan
tentang pengikut-pengikutnya, Rasulullah (Sal.) berkata, “ALLAH, saya ingin
melihat Anda. Saya harus melihat Anda.”
ALLAH berkata, “Hapus tabir dan lihat’’.
Di sisi lain tabir adalah cermin, cermin yang cemerlang
di mana delapan belas ribu alam semesta dapat dilihat. Ketika ia melihat ke
dalam cermin, Rasulullah (Sal.) hanya melihat dirinya, ia melihat bentuk
sendiri dan keindahan sendiri. Ia melihat seorang pemuda berusia enam belas
tahun dengan wajah bercahaya indah. Kemudian ALLAH berbicara kepadanya.
Bagaimana seseorang melihat ALLAH dalam keadaan itu?
Kemegahan kebenaran ALLAH adalah cermin cemerlang dalam hati seseorang. Ketika
ia melihat ke dalam cermin ini, dia melihat keindahan-nya sendiri dan dia tahu
dirinya sendiri. Jika ia melihat semua kualitas ALLAH dan tindakan dalam
dirinya sendiri, maka dia akan melihat keindahan-nya sendiri tidak berubah,
kekal, enam belas tahun keindahannya.
Jika ia tidak memegang apa-apa yang sama dengan ALLAH,
maka ia akan melihat keindahan ALLAH, kelimpahan-Nya, dan kemewahan (penampakan
yang sangat indah dan mencengangkan) yang disebut NUR.
Dengan demikian ia melihat kedua kekuatan dari insan
kamil dan kuasa ALLAH. Kemudian tabir tubuhnya akan dihapus, dan hatinya
menjadi ALLAH. Mereka menjadi satu. Ketika ia datang ke keadaan tersebut, ia
adalah di dalam Allah dan Allah adalah dalam dirinya.
Ketika Rasulullah (Sal.) kembali dari Mi’raj, para
pengikutnya bertanya kepadanya, “Apakah anda melihat ALLAH?” Keduanya A’ishah
(Ral.) dan Fatimah (Ral.) menanyakan Rasulullah (Sal.) jika ia telah melihat
ALLAH, tetapi Nabi (Sal.) hanya dapat mengatakan, “Jika aku berbicara tentang
misteri sekarang anda tidak akan mengerti. Anda akan melihat itu nanti.” Hanya
untuk Umar ibnul-Khattab (Ral.) ia mengungkapkan rahasianya.
Orang yang tidak melihat ALLAH dalam dirinya sendiri
tidak akan dapat melihat ALLAH di luar. Tetapi orang yang telah melihat
kebaikan ALLAH dalam dirinya sendiri akan melihat ALLAH. Apa yang akan ia
lihat? Ia akan melihat dirinya. Lubuk hati nya yang terdalam sendiri akan
menjadi cermin yang cemerlang, dan ketika ia melihat ke dalam cermin itu, ia
akan melihat dirinya dalam cahaya’’.
(Sal.) on Mi’raj
Child: In a hadith, a traditional story, the
Resûlullah, Prophet Muhammed (Sal.) said that those who dwell in heaven will
see ALLAH all the time, that He will be clearly visible.
Bawa Muhaiyaddeen: When the Rasulullah (Sal.) went
on Mi’raj, to commune with ALLAH, a veil separated the Rasulullah (Sal.) from
ALLAH. ALLAH spoke to him from behind this veil. They discussed prayer and
worship, and ALLAH told the Rasulullah(Sal.) to tell all He had spoken to his
When they had finished talking about prayer and about his
followers, the Rasulullah (Sal.) said, “ALLAH, I want to see You. I must see
ALLAH said, “Remove the veil and look.”
On the other side of the veil was a mirror, a brilliant
mirror in which
the eighteen thousand universes could be seen. When he looked into the mirror, the Rasulullah (Sal.) saw only himself, he saw his own form and his own beauty. He saw a sixteen-year-old youth with a beautiful radiant face. Then ALLAH spoke to him.
the eighteen thousand universes could be seen. When he looked into the mirror, the Rasulullah (Sal.) saw only himself, he saw his own form and his own beauty. He saw a sixteen-year-old youth with a beautiful radiant face. Then ALLAH spoke to him.
How does one see ALLAH in that state? ALLAH’s resplendent
truth is
the brilliant mirror in such a one’s heart. When he looks into this mirror, he sees his own beauty and he knows himself. If he sees all of ALLAH’s qualities and actions within himself, then he will see his own unchanging, eternal, sixteen-year-old beauty. If he holds nothing equal to ALLAH, he will see ALLAH’s beauty, His plentitude, and the replendence called NUR.
the brilliant mirror in such a one’s heart. When he looks into this mirror, he sees his own beauty and he knows himself. If he sees all of ALLAH’s qualities and actions within himself, then he will see his own unchanging, eternal, sixteen-year-old beauty. If he holds nothing equal to ALLAH, he will see ALLAH’s beauty, His plentitude, and the replendence called NUR.
Thus he sees both the power of insan kamil and the power
of ALLAH. Then the veil of his body is removed, and his heart becomes ALLAH.
They become one. When he comes to that state, he is within GOD and GOD is
within him.
When the Rasulullah (Sal.) returned from Mi’raj, his
followers asked him, “Did you see ALLAH?” Both A’ishah(Ral.) and Fatimah(Ral.)
asked the Rasulullah(Sal.) if he had seen ALLAH, but the Prophet(Sal.) could
only say, “If I speak of that mystery now you will not understand. You will see
it later.” Only to Umar ibnul-Khattab(Ral.) did he reveal the secret.
One who does not see ALLAH within himself will never be
able to see ALLAH on the outside. But one who has seen ALLAH’s benevolence
within himself will see ALLAH. What will he see? He will see himself. His own
innermost heart will be the brilliant mirror, and when he looks into that mirror, he will see himself in its light.
innermost heart will be the brilliant mirror, and when he looks into that mirror, he will see himself in its light.
MR Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh (p426-7)
MR Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
Golden Words of a Sufi Sheikh (p426-7)
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